Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Romanesque style


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Byzantine Art

San Vitale, ground plan

San Vitale, Ravenna

San Vitale, Emperor Justinian and his retinue


Empress Theodora and attendants (mosaic from  San Vitale, 6th century)

San Vitale, iterior

San Vitale detail

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia interior

St. Sophia ( Hagia Sophia) detail

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Late Byzantine Art

The Veroli Casket, ivory, 10c

David playing the harp, Paris Psalter, 10 c.

Harbaville Triptych, Middle leaf, top panel: Deesis, Christ, Mary and John the Baptist

St Mark's Basilica in Venice

St Mark's Basilica in Venice, detail

St Mark's Basilica in Venice, where imported Byzantine mosaicists were succeeded by Italians they had trained

Helios in his chariot, surrounded by symbols of the months and of the zodiac. From Vat. Gr. 1291, the "Handy Tables"

Chora Church, Constantinople

"White Angel" from the Mileseve Monastery fresco (1222-1224)